
velodyne highlights advanced lidar at automated vehicles symposium

by:Rocket PCB     2019-11-09
San Jose, California. —(Booth 501)
Will demonstrate its intelligent, powerful lidar solution for autonomous vehicles (AVs)
Advanced driving assistance system (ADAS)
At the workshop on automatic vehicles held in Orlando on July 15-18.
The booth of the speed generator will stand out™A lidar sensor dedicated to autonomous driving and advanced vehicle safety on highways, as well as a directional view, is an integral part of the ADAS.
Radar sensors for speed generators provide the industry
Leading combination of remote, high resolution and wide view.
The speed generator is
A batch supplier of lidar sensors for the automotive industry, with more than 250 customers worldwide.
At the seminar, Vidya Devarasetty, global automotive sales and business development manager, Velodyne, will be at \"High-
Define 3D Lidars: an integral part of future self-driving.
\"The conference will outline how lidar sensors can be used for specific tasks of autonomous driving, including use cases that have proven elusive for camera and radar-based solutions.
It will include a market overview of the current state of technology and provide expectations for the next generation of high-definition LIDAR sensors.
The session was held from 4: 30 to 5: 00 on July 16. m. in room: Sago.
\"According to US data, more than 90% of the accidents were caused by human error. S.
Government data.
Devarasetty said: \"If the vehicle is equipped with front-facing lidar sensors that can accurately measure objects on the road and in all weather conditions, these accidents can be avoided.
At another workshop, Frank Berdini, business manager of Velodyne Lidar drones and robotics, will introduce \"solid state\"State 3D Lidar.
\"Technical introduction will discuss how to speed the generator
Application of National lidar
Specific integrated microchips (ASIC)
A breakthrough has been made in the design of 3D lidar sensors.
The session was held from 1: 30 to 5: 30 on July 17. m.
Room: 10 th.
\"Core lidar electronics are moving from printed circuit boards to ASIC, which has the advantages of higher density, lower cost and higher reliability.
This trend follows Moore\'s law roughly, resulting in a sharp drop in size, weight and cost over a relatively short period of time, \"Berdini said.
Velodyne provides intelligent, powerful lidar solutions for autonomy and driver assistance.
Headquartered in San Jose, California, established in 1983.
Velodyne is known for its breakthrough combination of lidar sensor technology.
In 2005, David Hall, founder and CEO of Velodyne, invented real-
The Time surround view lidar system completely changes the perception and autonomy of cars, new mobility, mapping, robots and security.
Speed generator
The performance product line includes a wide range of sensing solutions, including cost-
Effective Hockey™Super ice hockey™Autonomy-
Advance Alpha Hockey™ADAS-
Optimized velray™, And breakthrough software Vella for driving assistance™.
Sean total Landis Communications
For radar speed generators, Inc. (415)286-
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