pune generates 26,000 mt of e-waste a year | pune news - times of india
by:Rocket PCB
Pune: more than 26,000 metric tons (MT)
A new report from the Federation of Industry and Commerce of India said that the number of electronic waste generated by the city every year is the eighth highest in the country (Assocham).
It warns that if e-commerce has a serious impact on the environment
In addition to the risks faced by waste dealers and child labor, waste continues to be treated in an unscientific manner.
The report was jointly released by industry agencies and business management consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, which said the number of electronic waste in Mumbai was the highest --
Cities in India, followed by Delhi-
Carbon-free copy paper and Bangalore.
Sadly, according to the report, this is just 2.
5% of total e-commerce in India
Waste is recycled due to poor infrastructure, legislation and framework.
It says that this leads to the waste of natural resources that are already being reduced, causing irreparable damage to the environment and the health of people working in the industry.
More than % E-95
Waste generated is managed by unorganized departments.
The report said that the scrap dealers in the market removed the abandoned products without sufficient protection and protection in the various yards and recycling workshops, rather than recycling.
It also advocates the introduction of legislation to prevent child labor from entering the collection, isolation and distribution of e-commercewaste.
Secretary general d s Rawat of Assocham said in the release of this report, \"most of our emails are worrying
Waste dealers deal with waste in the least scientific way, and they may have inadvertently dealt with radioactive material.
Commenting on health hazards, B K Rao, chairman of the Assocham health committee, said, \"domestic e-commerce
Waste, including computers, televisions, mobile phones and refrigerators, contains more than 1,000 toxic substances, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, plastics, PVC, bfr, ba, be, carcinogens such as carbon black and heavy metals that pollute soil and groundwater.
Exposure can cause headaches, irritability, nausea, vomiting, and eye pain.
Liver, kidney and nervous system diseases may occur in recyclers.
\"Informal recyclers use raw and dangerous methods such as acid stripping and open-air incineration to handle emailswaste.
These methods are not only highly unsafe, but also cause pollution by releasing toxins to the environment, the report said.
Citizens realize that the harm of selling electronic products is crucial. waste to scrap-
Project coordinator Maserati gagger said (e-waste)
One in Swach
Self-funded cooperation
Employment garbage pickers authorized by Pune Municipal company.
\"While citizens may make a little bit of money, scrap will definitely enter the gray market by dismantling, renovating and redecoratingselling.
\"Dealers will also burn this extremely dangerous material,\" she said . \"
Gadgil recommends that citizens in e-
Waste at the authorized collection center at Kothrud garbage station, or collect at the social or office level, and arrange for the Swach team to collect.
The dark side of Indian electronics is about 18.
5 metric tons e-waste annually.
It is growing at a rate of 25%, with only 2 contributions from government, public and private sectors to more than 70% of them.
5% of total e-commerce in India
Waste is recycled * about 5 lakh Child Labor (10-14 years)
Engaged in various e-commerce
Most e-commerce activities
Waste can be recycled, refurbished and redeployed downstream of the value chain and reused through a little rebuilding process
The waste recycling market in India is Delhi, about 30-
40% of electronics nationwide
Abandoned land after Bangalore and Chenna ipling upCity | annual e-commerce
Waste generated (In MT)Mumbai------------------------------1,20,000Delhi (NCR)-------------------------Bangalore-98---------------------------92,000Chennai------------------------------67,000Kolkata------------------------------
55,000 Ahemdabad-------------------------
36,000 Hyderabad--------------------------32,000Pune--------------------------------
Top eight e-
Cities that produce waste in India.
All metric tons (MT)
Number of story items-----------------------------------------Contribution (in %)
Computer equipment------------------------
Telecom equipment-70 sets-----------
12 electrical equipment------------------------
Medical equipment--------------------------7Household -----------------------------------4> What is e-
Abandoned * abandoned Computer Display * motherboard * cathode optical tube * printed circuit board * mobile phone and charger * CD * earphone * LCD monitor (LCD)
/Plasma TV * air conditioning * refrigerator> deal with risk * strict rules * easier access to electronics
Waste collection Centre * training informal recyclers knowledge on recycling technology * regulations on stopping child labor in waste collection * organization and provision of structures for the established informal recycling sector
A new report from the Federation of Industry and Commerce of India said that the number of electronic waste generated by the city every year is the eighth highest in the country (Assocham).
It warns that if e-commerce has a serious impact on the environment
In addition to the risks faced by waste dealers and child labor, waste continues to be treated in an unscientific manner.
The report was jointly released by industry agencies and business management consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, which said the number of electronic waste in Mumbai was the highest --
Cities in India, followed by Delhi-
Carbon-free copy paper and Bangalore.
Sadly, according to the report, this is just 2.
5% of total e-commerce in India
Waste is recycled due to poor infrastructure, legislation and framework.
It says that this leads to the waste of natural resources that are already being reduced, causing irreparable damage to the environment and the health of people working in the industry.
More than % E-95
Waste generated is managed by unorganized departments.
The report said that the scrap dealers in the market removed the abandoned products without sufficient protection and protection in the various yards and recycling workshops, rather than recycling.
It also advocates the introduction of legislation to prevent child labor from entering the collection, isolation and distribution of e-commercewaste.
Secretary general d s Rawat of Assocham said in the release of this report, \"most of our emails are worrying
Waste dealers deal with waste in the least scientific way, and they may have inadvertently dealt with radioactive material.
Commenting on health hazards, B K Rao, chairman of the Assocham health committee, said, \"domestic e-commerce
Waste, including computers, televisions, mobile phones and refrigerators, contains more than 1,000 toxic substances, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, plastics, PVC, bfr, ba, be, carcinogens such as carbon black and heavy metals that pollute soil and groundwater.
Exposure can cause headaches, irritability, nausea, vomiting, and eye pain.
Liver, kidney and nervous system diseases may occur in recyclers.
\"Informal recyclers use raw and dangerous methods such as acid stripping and open-air incineration to handle emailswaste.
These methods are not only highly unsafe, but also cause pollution by releasing toxins to the environment, the report said.
Citizens realize that the harm of selling electronic products is crucial. waste to scrap-
Project coordinator Maserati gagger said (e-waste)
One in Swach
Self-funded cooperation
Employment garbage pickers authorized by Pune Municipal company.
\"While citizens may make a little bit of money, scrap will definitely enter the gray market by dismantling, renovating and redecoratingselling.
\"Dealers will also burn this extremely dangerous material,\" she said . \"
Gadgil recommends that citizens in e-
Waste at the authorized collection center at Kothrud garbage station, or collect at the social or office level, and arrange for the Swach team to collect.
The dark side of Indian electronics is about 18.
5 metric tons e-waste annually.
It is growing at a rate of 25%, with only 2 contributions from government, public and private sectors to more than 70% of them.
5% of total e-commerce in India
Waste is recycled * about 5 lakh Child Labor (10-14 years)
Engaged in various e-commerce
Most e-commerce activities
Waste can be recycled, refurbished and redeployed downstream of the value chain and reused through a little rebuilding process
The waste recycling market in India is Delhi, about 30-
40% of electronics nationwide
Abandoned land after Bangalore and Chenna ipling upCity | annual e-commerce
Waste generated (In MT)Mumbai------------------------------1,20,000Delhi (NCR)-------------------------Bangalore-98---------------------------92,000Chennai------------------------------67,000Kolkata------------------------------
55,000 Ahemdabad-------------------------
36,000 Hyderabad--------------------------32,000Pune--------------------------------
Top eight e-
Cities that produce waste in India.
All metric tons (MT)
Number of story items-----------------------------------------Contribution (in %)
Computer equipment------------------------
Telecom equipment-70 sets-----------
12 electrical equipment------------------------
Medical equipment--------------------------7Household -----------------------------------4> What is e-
Abandoned * abandoned Computer Display * motherboard * cathode optical tube * printed circuit board * mobile phone and charger * CD * earphone * LCD monitor (LCD)
/Plasma TV * air conditioning * refrigerator> deal with risk * strict rules * easier access to electronics
Waste collection Centre * training informal recyclers knowledge on recycling technology * regulations on stopping child labor in waste collection * organization and provision of structures for the established informal recycling sector
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