
the digital future and human labor

by:Rocket PCB     2019-12-03
Over the past decade, working days have been subject to rigorous scrutiny by governments around the world.
Many countries have tried a shorter working week, such as France, which is 35-
The Netherlands has worked an average of 29 hours per week since 2000
In a few hours, it is estimated that this Nordic country will soon have a 21-hour work week.
Others have properly foreseen that 9 to 5 working days will soon be the past, that freelancing takes over the labor force and that working hours become more flexible, as Telmex tycoon Carlos Slim, 2016, he had to fire 40% of his employees.
But in addition to freelancing, start-ups, flexible working hours, and job sharing, what exactly drives these changes?
What is wider?
The cultural impact of this change?
With the recent rapid development of robotics and artificial intelligence, we see that working hours are decreasing because the space of the machine is changing and the machine is taking over the physical and cognitive tasks previously assigned to white and blue. collar workers.
Not only technology itself means fewer jobs, because it is a model in which workers began to face the industrial revolution in the early 19 th century.
Of course, this is also a repetition of the same pattern of machines and artificial intelligence taking over the work of previous workers, but artificial intelligence and algorithms have replaced the cognitive processes that only humans can complete in the past.
Remember Gary Kasparov against the big blue team?
Today, the labor force is facing a similar pattern.
Learning algorithms not only accomplish tasks faster than humans, but also do better than we do.
Now, these algorithms can basically be programmed by themselves, which means that with data collection, the possibilities of what AI can do seem endless.
Although we have not yet reached the so-called singularity (
Machine of selfaware)
We are getting closer to releasing the power of artificial intelligence to accelerate technological progress.
With Google\'s Auto ML announced in 2017 that we are on the verge of a major technological leap, it must mean that human labor will again become less necessary.
So what does this mean for employment?
To be honest, this reality has already appeared among us, and it is estimated that computers and artificial intelligence have completed 90% of the work undertaken in human history.
To start, you may read this article from a computer or mobile device that is almost entirely manufactured by a robot, including the manufacture of parts and pcb components.
In fact, Apple\'s iPhone maker, Foxconn, is currently replacing its manpower with Foxbots, with plans to automate 30% of its workforce by next year.
With the 2019 World Economic Forum meeting just concluded last week, we have seen a series of discussions, such as \"Computing Technology at critical points\" focusing on quantum computing \"(QC)
And its effect on molecular simulation.
In addition to creating a deeper level of artificial intelligence, this will lead to the design and manufacture of new drugs and chemicals.
One of the gains of this group is that humans need to start working on artificial intelligence with societies that need to adapt to the changing effects of labor and technology on civil society.
As many technical pessimists are concerned about the historical record of unemployment during the Industrial Revolution, this concern is as true today as Queen Elizabeth I, who met William Lee, who was number one in 1589
She rejected his patent for fear of the impact of his machine on the labor market.
The Queen\'s answer did not discourage me from Li and his brother to cross France and reach an agreement with Henry IV to establish an automated knitting industry from 1605, li worked with a French company to train frame knitting workers.
In the end, the workers received technical training in new jobs.
In my opinion, before this
The industrial revolution learning curve is the curve we need to adopt in today\'s technological revolution.
Pessimistic about technologyoptimism.
But some critics claim
Skills training and retraining for workers is an elite answer to social questions of economic inequality and a way to get training and education.
Still, we should be raving for a reduction in the expected hours of work!
But when exactly did this happen?
Most of us seem to work more. not fewer—hours.
Could the reduction in working hours be a new urban legend?
Of course at 35-
One day the government is closed and other issues are starting to come up: how do we get in 21-
Even if the machine is doing heavy work, one hour a week?
When we watch talk shows and soap operas, we can\'t lie lazily in a comfortable bed all day, rest assured that our other robot has mastered it all.
Who will have the means of production and who will subsidize the lost wages?
As we move towards more drastic technological change, we do need to prepare ourselves and our communities for common social and cultural change.
Therefore, we must also be prepared to democratize ownership of means of production so that the future of the job market will not replicate the poverty suffered in England with the rise of the Industrial Revolution, those who do not work in a factory or factory are troubled by hard labor in the country.
We must learn to share Labor, responsibility and resources.
This is the kind of cooperation that human efforts have contributed to, and historically, for those who do not have a factory, the prospect has ended badly.
But from another point of view, there is no good ending for the ancient regime.
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