How to go through the double sided pcb customization?
Just let Rocket PCB Solution Ltd know your requirement. Because of our experience, we will take you through the entire process, from cost volume analysis through to design, tooling and manufacturing. Choose from an array of factors to create the perfect double sided pcb or solution based on your requirements. We have years of experience creating classy product designs that will help to set your brand apart.

Rocket . is a dominant company which mainly manufacturing excellent gold finger pcb. Rocket 's main products include cavity pcb series. The product consumes a lot less energy in achieving the same brightness compared with traditional lighting. This is largely due to its design. The software program arranges its parts for best performance. The product is enormously energy-efficient - 80-90% of its energy is turned into light rather than heat. It is a worthwhile investment and offers great benefits to users. It is the perfect choice for manufacturers of electronic components, instruments, and equipment.

We repeatedly analyze the needs of ic substrate pcb. Please contact us!
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