How many pcb fabrication are produced by Rocket per month?
Overall, the output of pcb fabrication in Rocket PCB Solution Ltdis stable every month. However, it may change depending on the season (peak or off-season). Monthly production may vary when there are various sizes or colors. Our manufacturing is flexible. It is adjustable if there is an urgent request.
Rocket PCB Array image233
The establishment of Rocket further perfects pcb assembly and also promotes the development of pcb assembly. Rocket 's HDI PCB series include multiple types. gold finger pcb is delicately designed and manufactured. The product is widely applied in consumer electronics. This product makes the healthiest options for bedding items as it is free of chemical finishes. And it is machine-washable to accommodate a busy lifestyle. Its compact design takes less space in a piece of application equipment.
Rocket PCB Array image233
The Rocket brand adheres to the principle of the leading enterprise of the '核心关键词' industry. Please contact us!

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