How about sales of ic substrate pcb under Rocket PCB?
With ic substrate pcb becoming increasingly more popular in the marketplace, its sales volume are skyrocketing as well. The item is of great durability and reliability that helps it to obtain more recognition from customers. By cause of the wonderful operation of our products and thoughtful support supplied by our service team, the sales volume is increasing rapidly.

With the advantage of factory, Rocket PCB Solution Ltd. supplies Rocket . with very competitive price. The flex pcb series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. Rocket wire bonding pcb is superior in raw materials: inferior raw materials are totally rejected into the factory. And the high quality raw materials are well accepted though they will increase the cost of production. Its parts are spaced evenly and traces are symmetric and uniform. This product emits very less heat when it has been used even for a long span of time. It is capable of saving approximately 98% of the energy used by traditional bulbs. It offers a simple platform to arrange the electronic components in a compressed way.

Reliability and integrity are the cornerstones of Rocket Solution's strong relationships with our partners. Get more info!
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