
circuit board plant gutted in morning blaze | pune news - times of india

by:Rocket PCB     2019-09-14
Pune: A fire broke out at Shogini technology and art manufacturing plant near Khed
Shivapur toll station on Thursday around five o\'clock A. M.
No casualties were reported.
A fire brigade official said the cause of the fire could not be immediately identified. âx80x9cA short-
He said chemical materials stored in circuit or printed circuit board manufacturing plants could lead to a fire.
In the absence of a fire unit outside of citizen restrictions, when fire vehicles from pmco kats Katraj and central fire stations arrive at the scene, the fire becomes intense.
After receiving an emergency call at 5: 00, three fire-fighting sections and two tankers were rushed to the scene. 11am.
Firefighters say the flames can see smoke from the distance of the pune satsatara highway and the rest of the area.
At first, firefighters doused the flame with water, but realized that chemicals were fueling the flame.
Taking into account the use of chemical materials for the plant\'s products, firefighters spent more than three hours controlling the fire. Around 11.
On the morning of the 30 th, fire brigade officials managed to control the fire.
It was completely doused at about 12. 30pm.
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