
universal language could revolutionize computerized manufacturing : technology: a navy project aims to unify communication so that production time could be slashed and small orders filled efficiently.

by:Rocket PCB     2019-09-09
As more than a dozen top companies look over their shoulders, computer scientists and engineers are working on a new building near Charleston airport to try to make some nuts and bolts for the United StatesS. Navy.
If they do, $93.
The millions of projects they are working on will not only help the Navy solve one of its most difficult supply problems, but it may also lead the United States in the coming yearsS.
In the world of computer-based manufacturing, industry has entered a complex new field.
The core of the project is the development of a general computer language for the industry, allowing each part of the manufacturing process--
From the tender to the overall design to the blueprint, to the renovation of the factory, to the manufacturing of parts,-
Guided by a computer.
In addition, the computer language involved may be the standardized language used by different companies such as General Motors.
MacDonald Douglas
All of this has generated a positive interest in what is happening here.
The factory contains all the latest buzzwords in the state. of-the-
Art manufacturing. There is \"just-in-
\"Time\" delivery, which means the supply can be manufactured so quickly that there is no need for a lot of stock, and flexible manufacturing, which means that the factory can make one product and then quickly switch to the other
But facilities in South Carolina add another important factor. -
Its common computer coding process-
Experts say this could fundamentally change the industry\'s perception of manufacturing processes.
The facility is designed to produce a variety of products that have never been seen before, in contrast to more common flexible manufacturing systems designed to produce two or more specific productsagreed-to items.
This project is built around this premise: If you can put the detailed instructions for making parts into a table that any computer can read, then, all automation plants with the right basic tools can use these instructions to produce this part.
In theory, employees simply put detailed computerized instructions for spare parts into the manufacturing system and the factory should be able to produce the product correctly for the first time.
Institute of National Standards and Technology (
(Original Bureau of Standards)
Led the efforts to achieve standard computerized parts specifications;
The Navy\'s manufacturing system was developed under a project called Quick acquisition of manufacturing parts.
\"Manufacturing executives say ramp and related technologies could profoundly change industry practices in a wide range of areas ---
Manage employee, product line and supplier relationships.
The government has given full support to the plan, and the Pentagon has promised to build three ramp manufacturing facilities and is considering more.
The Pentagon says the ultimate goal is-
It is true that there is still a long way to go-
It is to insist that all weapons are equipped with a complete set of computerized manufacturing instructions.
Dennis Cascio, factory manager, West house factory, Buffalo, New YorkY.
RAMP explains this: when a part on the Westinghouse toast machine is broken, the device may already be 20 or older.
Cascio\'s factory then has to find the right spare parts, many of which may no longer be used for newer appliances.
Currently, Westinghouse either has to store expensive parts or have to speed up the production of a small number of parts, which is also expensive.
Under RAMP, Westinghouse should be able to produce a product effectively.
\"The technology inside the ramp is of great value to anyone who makes an oven and washing machine,\" Rudi Germ said, along with military equipment, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Manager for Electronic Data Systems Inc.
Computer systems subsidiary of General Motors.
The Navy is interested in getting ships out to sea instead of building a toaster, but the ramp is also helpful.
A Navy official said a ship was often brought in for routine maintenance weeks before the planned deployment, but found a key component damaged.
In many cases, the part is out of stock and its manufacturer has been out of business for many years.
The problem is expected to worsen further, as a slowdown in defense spending is expected to lead to the collapse of many parts manufacturers.
At present, the Navy often devours another ship in order to obtain the parts, and when the second ship is ready to sail, it gets a part from the third ship, and so on, until the parts are produced.
Unfortunately, it usually takes an average of 12 months to produce parts-
And the price often puts the Navy in trouble.
\"Because it is usually only one or two parts are needed, the production cost of the parts is very high and the quality is difficult to guarantee,\" said Bob Hortz, director of the advanced logistics technology department of the Navy.
\"That\'s why you took out the toilet seat for $600.
\"At the beginning of 1980, as the Navy began a large-scale ship building program, naval officials felt that the problem of spare parts had become difficult to solve and agreed to spend money on finding a technology --based solution.
Navy awarded No. 8year, $93-
Provide millions of contracts for the ramp demonstration project to a consortium of South Carolina research institutes, Battelle Institute, Arthur D.
Grumman data systems and systems engineering is a small consulting company specializing in store business.
Floor engineering.
The alliance has built a prototype system that is being tested.
A few years later, the Navy plans to have three fully operational ramp facilities: a naval aviation base at Cherry Point in the north of the United States. C. (September 1991)
Naval Avionics Center in Indianapolis (March, 1992)
And the Navy shipyard in Charleston, USA. C. (March, 1993).
Consortium officials said the ramp could shorten the time to manufacture special manufactured parts from 300 days to 30 days.
It is also designed to produce small batch products. -
Only one project ---
Mass production as efficiently as possible.
The consortium has also launched a technology transfer program to transfer the technology to as many companies as possible.
Manufacturing experts say the success of RAMP depends on the development of its computerized data files.
The data file must be written in a standardized way so that it can be read from Cherry Point to various manufacturing systems in Westinghouse.
The standards under development, known as the \"product data exchange specification\", can ensure that each manufacturing project has a blueprint design file that can be read by many computerized manufacturing systems.
With this system, the information can be delivered to the supplier faster and more accurately from the manufacturer, the planner said.
The Navy and large manufacturers will not rely on a professional supplier, but they can turn to many companies that have the right basic tools, such as the right drill bits and molds.
This will also provide suppliers with more versatility, enabling them to shift from producing auto parts to manufacturing parts for the aircraft or home appliance industry in the event of a decline in car sales.
Manufacturers can change product lines faster to suit changing consumer tastes.
In addition, manufacturers who want to upgrade their manufacturing process can theoretically put in different computerized files in the device with a new set of instructions that they will be ready.
However, according to Brad Rigden, vice president of quality processes and resource management at MacDonald Douglas systems integration, it is not easy to agree on standards.
Every company thinks it has the best way to do things, he says.
Still, Rigton is optimistic.
He leads more than a dozen major companies, including Boeing.
International commercial machines
In order to speed up the development of software design standards, GM has also joined forces.
He said a growing number of US manufacturers believe that standards are crucial to America\'s hopes of restoring manufacturing competition.
\"Nothing will happen unless someone is behind the standard.
The biggest problem is that the federal government says, \'This is it, \'said Jack White, manager of the manufacturing engineering center at Ann Arbor Institute of Industrial Technology, Michigan. , not-for-
Profit group aims to bring new technologies in universities and research environments to companies.
Many industry executives say costs seem to be a potential problem.
Cascio said Westinghouse estimated that it would cost about $10 million to convert its printed wiring assembly business to a ramp.
In South Carolina, the consortium spent $6.
5 million on the device, this number does not include the cost of installing the system and software.
According to the representative, this cost may be prohibitive for small companies. Ron Wyden (D-Ore. )
Who has initiated controversial legislation to amend the anti-monopoly law to allow small businesses in the United StatesS.
Manufacturing companies interested in flexible manufacturing establish informal partnerships to share equipment and factories.
Executives are also worried about data conversion, Cascio said. -
Write a computer description of all production parts--
It may be a headache. But Gary S.
Gajewski, consortium manager running the ramp, said the data conversion speed is relatively fast: small mechanical parts like pistons or nuts take about six hours, for more complex things like printed circuit boards, 24 hours.
White predicts that many manufacturing systems will emerge, at least like the cousin of the Navy --
Sponsored factory
But it will take time and some growing pains.
\"In the long run, this will bring about a fundamental change in the way we produce,\" said Dave Arnsdorf, senior engineer at the Institute of Industrial Technology.
\"But it will come in small pieces step by step.
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