
steve jobs founded apple not once but twice

by:Rocket PCB     2019-11-17
Until this week, Steve Jobs was Apple\'s CEO, but more importantly, although he didn\'t say that on his business card, he was Apple\'s founder.
As Apple\'s history shows, the distance that humans know is no greater than the distance between CEO and founder.
To a large extent, Chief Executive Officer is the product of education and system.
Founders, or at least the best of them, are unstoppable, unstoppable forces of nature.
Among the many founders I met, Jobs was the most charming.
Jobs is more willing than anyone else to turn modern electronics into objects of desire.
He has always had the soul to question the poet-a man who is a little distant from the rest of us, and he has gone his own way since he was a child.
If he was born at a different time, it would be easy to see how he would jump on a freight car and follow his star.
He was adopted as a baby in 1955 and raised by the well.
It means that parents in California never have much money.
Paul Jobs looks like a responsible James Dean, working as Jack at a financial companyof-all-
He then tried the real estate deal.
To make ends meet, his mother Clara found a part
Working in the payroll department of a company that makes radar equipment.
No family holidays, renovated furniture, no color TV.
Paul has built most of the comforts of home.
Paul and Clara began to put up with all the dangers of their parents.
Young Steve got up early and they bought him a phonograph and some little Richard records so he could entertain himself.
Later, on one occasion, he and an associate built a miniature chemistry lab with ant poison bottles, after which his stomach was pumped.
Steve Jobs: What does the resignation of computer life Steve Jobs mean to competitors: Tim Cook doesn\'t have much email to Apple employees: even though jobs shocked jobs, but the man who made Apple insisted that when Jobs was a teenager, the competitor was eager for the collapse of Apple, he grew up in Los Altos, and he never thought, one day, he will run a company with only one headquarters.
Six miles from the front door of his high school, home High School in Cupertino.
He may also want to know the twists and turns of those who have made him who he is now: in fact, his childhood was spent in a region, not even labeled as Silicon Valley;
Apple partners
Founder Stephen Wozniak is a close friend of his youth;
One summer he worked as a lab technician at Atari, the first manufacturer of popular arcade games.
When he was still in high school, he attended a science fair where he built a silicon
Controlled rectifier, a device that can be used to control AC power.
The spin of electronic products has attracted jobs\'s interest, but there is still a lot more in his life.
He spent as much time as the frequency counter in the field of art and literature.
He was attracted to literature, learned some Shakespeare, admired his English teacher, and was fascinated by movies such as the red balloon.
When Jobs began screening University manuals, he decided to try life in the North Pacific at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, a school that has an unusual appeal to smart and thoughtful teenagers, in early 1970, it\'s customized.
For any child who wants him in Woodstock.
It was there that the calligraphy class improved his aesthetic-the impact was still evident in all Apple products and ads.
In Reed, student Robert Freedland became a mentor and acting brother.
He marched on campus in Indian robes as he ran for president.
His campaign theme is blunt: he ran to erase the shame of the two.
He was jailed for the bombing of the largest psychedelic drug in eastern Mississippi.
\"Robert was the first person I met who believed in the existence of Enlightenment,\" Jobs later said . \". [
In the summer of 1973, he followed Fredland to India, dressed in Indian clothes and short hair, a Buddhist. ]
Jobs almost fell into Apple because there was nothing else to do.
During January and February 1976, he began pestering Wozniak to discuss the possibility of making and selling some printed circuit boards so that others could make their own computers.
Continuing to work at Atari, he accepted the concept of a short informal adventure more like a partnership between friends than a suitable company.
One afternoon, Jobs drove on the No. 85 highway between Palo Alto and Los Alto, summoning his diet and his college days in Oregon, advising them to give Apple
Although he may try, Wozniak has not improved on this suggestion.
Jobs realized the importance of the image from the beginning, and he rented a PO Box in Palo Alto and organized a beautiful company address.
To impress Apple as a stable business, he hired a answering service company.
Moving from bloated garage operations to similar operations is a daunting task.
On 1978, after Apple announced the creation of a new disk drive, orders increased and wealth arrived faster.
In 1984, the launch of the Macintosh computer was noisy, but then the notice became unpleasant.
Apple\'s board fired jobs to support John Sculley, who was once the founder of Pepsi Cola ).
This is the years of wilderness.
Typically, Jobs sold only one of his shares in Apple, but instead focused on building a new company that he would call next.
He raised money from investors and insisted when vulnerable groups threw in the towel and were entrusted to occupy a historical footnote.
Over the years, he has stood the test and learned to deal with the severe environment.
Now it\'s hard to understand what Apple got into after buying NeXT at the end of 1996, in order to revive itself.
Silicon Valley cynics scoffed at jobs\'s subsequent sale for more than $0. 4 billion, although it sold only about 50,000 computers.
Jobs returned to Apple.
It lost its passion for innovation and leadership in the technology industry.
His response was to launch an advertising campaign called \"different\" based on blackand-
White Photos of outstanding characters.
This is a cry of brainstorming. Simply put, the company cannot imitate others, but needs to go its own way. And it has.
Many people are familiar with the follow-up
The emergence of Apple.
They may not be familiar with the fact that it has few similarities.
When did a founder return to the company he was rudely rejected to design a complete and spectacular transformation like Apple?
It\'s no exaggeration to say that Steve Jobs did not create Apple once but twice.
He was alone for the second time.
Since 1997, Apple has sold more than 0. 2 billion iPods, 10 billion iTunes songs, 100 million iPhones and more than 60 million computers.
Jobs was single as a sideline
Pixar is a computer animation company that has grossed more than $5 billion in box office revenue with its hugely popular films.
Steve Jobs\'s critics say he may have been deliberate, stubborn, grumpy, grumpy and stubborn, but showed me someone who has achieved anything meaningful, he\'s not a perfectionist.
There is also a prank, calculated, suspicious flicker in the open air market about work.
He is a persistent, persuasive and charming salesman-the only one I know who shamelessly decorated the bus shelters with advertisements for ordinary products such as wireless mice across the country
But he is also a man who visited a chief executive who fell down on a stroke in a hospital decades ago, and recently, in a mysterious way, generous advice to young Silicon Valley bosses.
Jobs\'s attackhealth [
In 2004, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in 2009, he took a vacation and received a liver transplant. ]
Now that he has decided to step down as CEO, one of the inevitable questions Apple faces is, what\'s next?
Who can compare with people whose identity and faces are so closely related to the company?
For Steve Jobs, whether alive or dead, his business life should be listed as one of the greatest Americans.
Back to The Little Kingdom: Steve Jobs, the creation of Apple, and how Michael Moritz changed the world
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