Is Rocket pcb fabrication cheap?
Rocket PCB Solution Ltdpcb fabrication is not priced cheap yet priced reasonably. Its pricing is a result of our product managers' prudent consulting with marketing and sales team. The quotation always depends on materials cost, labor cost, transportation, profit margins, etc. We know that an over quote without competitive analysis can be fatal for any product, and an amazing quote on value-added products can bring a huge demand. So we always stick to smart pricing strategies to give maximum value and benefits to both customers and ourselves.
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Rocket . is the traditional core enterprises of Chinese ic substrate pcb industry. Rocket 's cavity pcb series include multiple types. wire bonding pcb's structure adopts the unique technology to guarantee the high performance. Its components are always soldered in, which contributes to durability. It balances the body temperature to reduce overheating that can cause sweating, giving a better and more comfortable night's sleep. All the components within this product are fixed using solder flux.
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Our ultimate goal is to be one of the leading microwave pcb suppliers in the global market. Please contact.

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