What are main products to Rocket PCB?
Multilayer PCB, HDI,high frequency, metal core,rigid-flex, flexible pcb is the primary item of Rocket PCB Solution Ltd. With years of professional manufacturing expertise, we make our product be of top quality and appreciates great reliability. Each product s made by us will be conducted a rigorous test to guarantee quality before being dispatched.

Rocket . is doing well in the market of thermal management pcb. The embedded pcb series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. Standard manufacturing: the production of Rocket power circuit board is based on the advanced technology developed by ourselves autonomously and the complete management system and standards. Its compact design takes less space in a piece of application equipment. The product almost produces no heat or UV rays, which can help reduce air conditioning costs and help keep fabrics and furnishings from fading. The product features low electric currents and radiation emission.

Our unique service has established our place in pcb board industry. Get more info!
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