PCB cavities provide space for electronic components such as capacitors, transistors and logic modules, giving the assembled PCB an overall thinner structure. They can be applied to multilayer PCBs and they offer different layouts with several cavities of different depths if used on a single circuit board.
PCB manufacturers provide multiple ways to create a PCB cavity. Most cavity boards are manufactured with a controlled depth routing process equipped with a special routing machine. If required, the cavity can be electroplated. Another way to produce cavities is through the sequential lamination with low-flow or no-flow prepress. The third method is through the laser depth control.
Rocket PCB has partnered with strong suppliers who have done great research work of PCB cavities. With the growing trend of small products, we strive to develop more new types of technology to manufacture smaller products and have attracted more customers to use our PCB cavities. Please contact us today to find out what we can help you with.
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