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Global PCB industry market status and development trend


  The PCB industry is the industry with the largest output value in the global electronic component industry, and it is also the basic industry for electronic information product manufacturing. In 2019, affected by multiple factors, the global PCB industry output value fell slightly by 1.7% year-on-year to US$61.3 billion. Although COVID-19 impact on the industry, the rapid development of 5G has allowed the PCB industry to grow. It is estimated that the global PCB output value will be 62.5 billion US dollars in 2020 and reach 79.2 billion US dollars by 2025.

The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry is the basic industry of electronic information product manufacturing and the industry with the largest output value in the global electronic component industry. PCB has a wide range of applications, ranging from home appliances to products such as ocean exploration. As long as there are electronic components, PCBs are needed for support and interconnection between them.  

Global PCB output value declined slightly in 2019

  Affected by trade frictions, decline in terminal demand and exchange rate depreciation, the global PCB output value was US$61.3 billion, a slight decline of 1.7% from US$62.4 billion in 2018. Mobile phones are the major application outlet for PCBs. In the case of three consecutive years of decline in mobile phone shipments, the overall decline in global PCB output can still be maintained in a small range. The pre-5G infrastructure is also a key issue.Part of the PCB demand was returned.

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Communication electronics is the main application area.

  From the perspective of application fields, most PCB market segments also experienced a decline in 2019, but the demand for infrastructure applications such as 5G networks and data centers continued the growth trend in 2018, with the output value of the server/data storage field year-on-year An increase of 3.1%; the computer field including servers/data storage accounted for 28.6% of the global PCB output value. 

  But overall, communication electronics is still the most important application field of the PCB industry, accounting for 33.0% of the global PCB application market in 2019.

Seven Chinese manufacturers on the global TOP10 list

  The growth of downstream industries is a major favorable condition for the development of PCB companies. Benefiting from the important position of Taiwanese ODM factories, module factories, and semiconductor companies in the PC and mobile phone industry chain, Taiwanese PCB companies such as Zhending, Xinxing, Huatong, and Tripod have successively entered the world's top ten PCB manufacturers rankings .

  Among them, FPC giant Zhending, which is closely related to Apple's business, became the world's number one PCB manufacturer in 2019. In general, among the TOP10 global PCB manufacturers in 2019, 7 Chinese companies are on the list, and China is the world's largest PCB manufacturer.

The scale of output value is expected to continue to expand

  Entering 2020, although the COVID-19 disrupted the progress of 5G, countries are still fighting each other in the 5G competition. While the epidemic is burning, countries are monitoring the development of the epidemic through digital technology, and have foreseen the turning point of industries such as 5G, cloud, and AI. Future digital life scenarios such as remote teaching, smart diagnosis and treatment, and industrial risk control AI have also been activated in advance. In terms of the overall development trend in 2020, 5G is still a key driving force for the growth of the industrial economy. It is estimated that the global PCB output value growth rate in 2020 will be 2%, and the output value scale will be approximately 62.5 billion US dollars. 

  From 2020 to 2025, the global PCB output value is expected to grow at an average annual compound growth rate of approximately 5%. In 2025, the global PCB output value is expected to be close to US$80 billion.

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