ardbeg: cold smoke on the rocks
by:Rocket PCB
Al Dubai winery and south bank of Isley.
Ardbeg whisky distillery is located on the south bank of Islay along a coastline called Kildalton coast.
The name Kildalton is to commemorate 1200 of the island-year-
Old Colton cross
The name of the winery comes from the Scottish Gaelic language, Ard Beag, which means \"small point \".
\"Along with its neighbors, raqqulam and raverrogge, it produces a series of strongly fermented scotch whisky, typical of many Islay whisky styles.
The Ardbeg winery officially started in 1815.
However, like most of its Islay brothers, whisky distillation may have been happening in that place for some time.
For the Ardbeg site, the production of whisky can be traced back to at least 1798, or even earlier.
The location is perfect for producing illegal and legal whiskey.
It sits on a secluded and isolated little bay that is well protected against the weather and the snobs of tax people.
The hills above the Bay offer plenty of pure, soft water, and the Bay offers the opportunity to take a boat or smuggle whiskey.
The winery has a tortuous history, closed many times in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, and sometimes closed due to bankruptcy.
John McDougall founded the original winery, although it is likely that he only purchased an existing illegal winery and obtained a license to operate legally.
In the next two centuries, the winery will enter and exit from the McDougall family.
It went bankrupt in 1838 and was acquired by a liquor wholesaler named Thomas Buchanan in Glasgow.
However, he rented it back to mcdougors and they continued to operate.
In the 1850 s, two of Alexander\'s sisters, Margaret and Flora, ran wineries. -
The first women to run the Scotch whisky distillery.
From 1853 to 1922, the winery was owned by the Ramsey family and leased to mcdougors and various other operators.
During this period, Ramsays also owned Lagavulin, Laphroaig and Ardenistiel wineries and their associated farms.
The winery was reacquired by the McDougall family in 1922, but went bankrupt in 1929 and closed between 1932 and 1935.
Ardbeg reopened in 1935 and again managed by the McDougall family until the winery was cleared and the newly established company Ardbeg Winery Ltd purchased assets, in 1959.
During this period, like most distillers, most of the production was sold to mixers.
In 1959, both John Dewar and Sons, owned by DCL at the time, and Hiram Walker, were entitled to the parent company of the winery.
Canadian spirits giant Hiram Walker bought Ardbeg completely in 1979 and has been operating until 1981.
Closed from 1981 to 1989.
During this period, Hiram Walker was acquired by United Lyon and became part of United distillation Co. , Ltd.
From 1989 to 1996, Ardbeg produces whiskey for about two months each year, until its parent company, now Union Domecq, after the merger of Union Lyon and Domecq, again
The next year, the winery was acquired by glenmorey, which already owns the glenmorey winery and the glenmorey winery, beginning the modern period of the aldiger renaissance.
The winery immediately carried out a large-scale renovation, with new equipment including new equipment that is still being ordered.
French fashion group LVMH acquired Glen moanji through its wine and spirits subsidiary, mot Hennessey.
The glenmali winery was subsequently sold.
At present, the production capacity of the winery is 1.
1 million liters of pure alcohol, about 12,000 gallons per week.
This is 500 of it-
The weekly output in 1835 was gallons, or even 5,000 gallons.
It produced a gallon of whisky a week in the early 20 th century.
In ShoreHistorically, south of Islay, Kildalton crossover, the winery operates its own floor Malwarebytes.
Starting at 1974, it buys malt from the port of Ellen malding, a few miles away.
Usually, the amount of malt is 50-
65 out of millions (ppm)
Use phenol from the grass charcoal obtained from the directly Upper Marsh of the winery.
This is the three core products of peating grade for the winery: Ardbeg month Yo, Ardbeg Uigedail and Ardbeg Corryvreckan.
Other expressions like Ardbeg Super Nova are considered to be 100 ppm of phenol, while now discontinued Kildalton expressions are considered to be minor.
Ardbeg whisky production has four special features that determine its signature style: Fermentation level, milling of barley, length of fermentation and distillation itself.
Generally, peated whiskies are classified according to the phenol content of a few parts per million.
The measurement is based on the amount of phenol absorbed by malt during drying.
According to the winery, the average fermentation level of malt is about 55 ppm, while the fermentation level of new whiskey is about 25 ppm.
However, with the arrival of the new era of manufacturing spirit, ppm concentration will decrease.
The initial concentration of 25 ppm will be 15-year-
Scotch whisky and 6 ppm at the age of 30.
Therefore, it is not particularly instructive to list ppm phenol for the practice of malt in most Scottish distillers.
There are other drawbacks to this approach.
First, there are more than 100 different identifiable compounds in peat smoke.
Mud coal from different parts of Scotland and at different depths will show these chemicals of different concentrations.
The temperature of burning peat also affects the chemical composition of the smoke.
For example, Islay peat tends to be rich in wood derivatives compared to peats from eastern Scotland.
In addition, Islay peats is rich in nitrogen and aromatic hydrocarbons.
When they burn, they produce more plastic. like aromas.
Therefore, the general measurement of ppm phenol in malt rarely tells us the type of peat or the chemical composition of the smoke.
Secondly, about half of the mud coal absorbed by malt is in the grain shell.
Therefore, husks\'s winery treatment has a significant impact on the amount of mud coal that eventually enters the wheat juice into barley.
Usually, the grain is ground into a fine grain of 70 to 78% or \"medium grain\", a shell or raw material of 14 to 20%, and the weight of the flour or powder is 8 to 10%.
The more shells contained in the mash, the better the drainage effect, but the lower the alcohol conversion rate.
In addition, since the housing is much lighter than dirt, the process of grinding the grain usually results in a large number of shell fragments being vacuumed by dust suppression filters.
Ardbeg grist is 70% mid gear, 20% crust and 10% flour.
This is high end for the proportion of the shell in the grist.
The fermentation process of Ardbeg is about 60 to 65 hours on average, while the more typical is 45-
Ferment for an hour at Speyside winery.
Due to the inhibition of fermentation by phenol, it takes longer for phenol malt to ferment.
This is why in the 19 th century, phenol, which exists in the form of carbonated acid, was used as a disinfectant.
The advantage of long fermentation is that it can produce more fruity and floral ester.
Islay\'s main whisky distillation process itself also has a significant impact, whether it\'s on the overall level of chemicals in the mud coal smoke that enters the final whisky, or on their individual concentration.
In general, about one-
The third part of the total phenol concentration will be lost during distillation.
The distillation temperature, the amount of washing of the still, and the point of cutting to collect the new make spirit are all factors that determine the phenol content in the newly made whisky.
However, it is of particular importance to the return flow generated during distillation.
Reflux refers to the condensation of steam before reaching the condenser, so it falls back to the pan to be re-distilled.
Reflux affects washing in several ways.
First of all, it extends contact with copper, giving it more time to absorb more stringent and heavier compounds mentally.
Secondly, repeated distillation of alcohol breaks down some aromatic compounds and alcohol with large chemical properties into lighter compounds.
The higher the reflux, the lower the concentration of phenol in the resulting spirit.
Finally, according to the implementation of the reflux, some heavier compounds simply cannot escape from the jar into the new make spirit.
The length of the neck still has a great impact on the return flow.
High neck, like the neck of Glen moanji, 16 feet 10.
The 25 inch is the highest whisky in Scotland, and it produces a large amount of reflux, forming a light whisky style with a clear floral and fruity fragrance.
The ester that produces these aromas has a low molecular weight--
Therefore, it will not be selected proportionally during distillation.
Compared to the short squat neck of Lagavulin, the height of the Still neck of Ardbeg is about 10 feet, and the return produced by the latter is rare.
The angle of the Lyne arm also has bearings.
The lyne arm pointing up as an extension of the neck produces more reflux than the one pointing down.
At Ardbeg, lyne\'s arms point up like they do at Laphroaig and Bowmore (
Only spirit)
The lyne arm of the martial arts of Lac dropped sharply.
The effect of using a condenser or purifier in the neck is similar to that of a high neck, but the advantage is that it allows the distiller to have greater flexibility.
By cooling the steam before the steam enters the lyne arm, the purifier will increase the amount of return to the pan.
There are purifiers for Ardbeg stills.
In addition, there is also a shrinking lamp-glass style on the neck, where they will be added to the pan, which will also produce more reflux.
The net effect of all of this reflux is that the washing of Ardbeg is given a particularly long repeated distillation.
At the winery, this is called two-and-a-half-
Time distillation.
Retaining a large number of shells from a large amount of reflux, extending fermentation, re-fermentation, and extending the distillation cycle creates a unique and iconic Ardbeg style.
A more interesting experiment at Ardbeg Winery is the effect of weightlessness on whisky maturity.
The winery sent a sample of whisky to the International Space Station on October 2011, including several bottles of new spirits with oak fragments.
The experiment is to see how weightlessness affects terpen Ene, an organic molecule that constitutes the aroma and flavor of wine and spirits.
The winery kept a set of identical vials as a control sample.
According to the doctor, Ardbeg wine
Bill Lumsden, director of distillation and whisky creation at Ardbeg, believes that mature samples in space are \"significantly different\" from the control samples retained by the winery \".
Space samples show a greater degree of complexity than earth samples.
Lumsden found this when I tasted the space sample. . .
Ardbeg smells of smoke and black.
Reveals the different smoke flavors I have never encountered on Earth.
Lumsden went on to add, \"The taste is very concentrated, with smoked fruits such as dried plum, raisins, sugar plum and cherry, Clay coal smoke, mint, fennel, cinnamon and smoked bacon or pecanssmoked ham.
The finish is strong and long lasting with a hint of wood, anti-corrosion lozenges and rubber smoke.
\"Of course, the new spirit of maturity in plastic vials with oak boats is not as mature as traditional barrels.
Whisky has spent three years in space, meeting the minimum maturity requirements required by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA).
However, it cannot be called Scotch because it is not unique to Scotland.
If space maturity is found, SWA may need to make an exception to its \"maturity of Scottish rules.
\"It has enough time to decide.
Few whisky barrels will soon enter space to age.
The core Ardbeg expressions are ten, Uigedail and Corryvreckan.
These ten are named after its age.
Uigeadail is named after Uigeadail, a freshwater lake not far from the winery.
The corifriken was named after the famous whirlpool generated by tides in the ocean between Jura and Scarborough.
Although these three expressions are different from each other, they have common basic features.
These whiskeys tend to be very light and crisp at first, with a lot of dry smoke in the background, a little scorched, like smoke in a cold campfire.
While the finished ingredient of Uigedail\'s 10% Sherry barrel adds a more pronounced sweetness, there is a very slight sweetness, with a lot of reflux from typical whiskies.
The expected pronunciation of phenol, sometimes seems to be plastic --
Like, but although different, it is more dry and lighter, almost like the residue of an old medicine bottle.
With the opening of whisky, char will be replaced by more asphalt/tar scents, while there will also be obvious grain aromas.
Strange combination of hot tar and cold oatmeal. The plastic-
The scent is not surprising.
Phenol is still widely used in phenol production.
These plastics have high heat resistance and resistance for all products from electrical insulators to printed circuit boards, plastic veneers to plywood adhesives.
If it\'s phenolplastic-
Since you may be surrounded by products that contain smells, the smell seems a bit familiar.
There is some creamy flavor, heavy mouth, oil, a bit suspicious fragrance, it reminds people of the cold
You will sometimes find smoked mussels or pickled fish in the neighbor Lagavulin of Ardbeg, but their pronunciation is not very obvious.
There is a little iodine, maybe even a little seaweed, at low tide, but it doesn\'t have an obvious taste of the ocean and seaweed/kelp.
Features with spicy flavor associated with heavy peating (think Octomore)
A feeling of almost tingling
Just like the feeling of the back of your mouth after you swallow whiskey, whiskey is gradually replaced by a slight bitter taste;
Similar to Talisker, but more obvious.
Ardbeg is the most extreme manifestation of the current trend in producing smoked whisky.
But in addition, it is light and dry.
While it lacks the obvious ocean features, it is a style shared with its Hebrides neighbors, lafroy and Talisker.
This is a feature found in many Octomore expressions.
Caol Ila has a similar style, though sweeter.
Kilkerran, the latest winery in wooleltown, also has this character, although it is close to the intensity of Ardbeg.
It feels like some cold smoke on the rock, there\'s a unique drug chaser-
So Ardbeg is the malt for you.
Ardbeg Ten, Ardbeg Uigeadail and Ardbeg Corryvreckan sample NotesArdbeg, single malt Scotch whisky, month Yo, 46% Bay, 750 mlThe whiskey is a light gold color.
On the nose, there is a distinct aroma of phenol consisting of peat smoke, with hints of cooked grains and light floral elements.
With the opening of whiskey, the taste of cooked cereal is getting stronger and stronger.
On the palate, the whisky is dry and has an obvious spicy flavor that accumulates steadily on the tongue, creating a unique sting.
It has smoke and Coke flavors, balanced with a slight oil sweetness, followed by the aroma of smoked pickled fish, some spices, especially cinnamon, with the flavor of espresso in the background.
The finish is long and dry with unique smoke and cooked grain properties.
This is a good entrance.
The level of Islay whiskey has the unique aroma and taste of the island brothers.
The appearance is 7/10, the nose is 25/30, the taste is 26/30, and the finish is 27/30.
Final score: 85/100 Ardbeg, Uigeadail, No age statement, 54 points.
2% ABV, 750 mlThe whiskey is medium gold.
There is a unique phenol smell on the nose, but they are not obvious than in 10 YO and more like plastic than disinfectantlike.
There are typical Ardbeg grains and floral notes, followed by dried fruits with raisins and tangerine ingredients.
The whisky was originally dry but gradually sweet.
The sweetness of raisins and dried fruits is different, consisting of cooked grains and digestive biscuits and a touch of caramel.
There is smoke in the background, but less obvious than in 10 YO, more like a cold campfire than a stuffy campfire.
There is an obvious creamy sweetness that is typical of Sherry\'s ass aged whiskey.
Bottling is the strength of the barrel, which is made of a mix of bourbon barrels and Sherry docking mature whiskey.
At the end is the elements of creamy flavor, sweetness and cooked grains, and at the end there is a little bit of iodine.
Appearance 8/10, nose 26/30, palate 27/30, final score 28/30: 89/100 Ardbeg, Corryvreckan, No age statement, 57 points.
1% ABV, 750 mlThis whiskey has medium gold.
On the nose, there are predictable phenol scents, but these are lighter than in 10 Y0 and form a frame with obvious ocean elements.
There are some seawater sprays, some features of iodine and salty/salty.
Common floral and ripe cereal flavors, accompanied by the sweetness of dried fruit and the smell of furniture wax and vanilla.
The background has a clear smell of cold smoke.
On the taste, whiskey is obviously sticky and almost chewy.
It has a unique spicy flavor.
Like Uigeadail, the whisky starts in a dry way, but it creates a sweet taste that is built stably and builds the spicy flavor well.
There is a delicious taste, like the dry residue of the Dirty Martini, then the cooked grain, with the flavor of caramel sweetness and licorice, and a little bit of burnt and smoked fish
This bottling is also the strength of the barrel, showing a clear spirit.
Complete the very log with a unique sweetness, a distinct flavor of cooked grain, and a bitter espresso element that burns slightly.
This is a powerful, sophisticated whisky that combines a variety of flavors and aromas with a strong aroma of smoke, charcoal, sweet and cooked grains.
Appearance 8/10, nose 27/30, palate 28/30, complete 29/30 Final Score: 92/100 the shorter version of this article appears in whisky cleaning in September 2016.
Ardbeg whisky distillery is located on the south bank of Islay along a coastline called Kildalton coast.
The name Kildalton is to commemorate 1200 of the island-year-
Old Colton cross
The name of the winery comes from the Scottish Gaelic language, Ard Beag, which means \"small point \".
\"Along with its neighbors, raqqulam and raverrogge, it produces a series of strongly fermented scotch whisky, typical of many Islay whisky styles.
The Ardbeg winery officially started in 1815.
However, like most of its Islay brothers, whisky distillation may have been happening in that place for some time.
For the Ardbeg site, the production of whisky can be traced back to at least 1798, or even earlier.
The location is perfect for producing illegal and legal whiskey.
It sits on a secluded and isolated little bay that is well protected against the weather and the snobs of tax people.
The hills above the Bay offer plenty of pure, soft water, and the Bay offers the opportunity to take a boat or smuggle whiskey.
The winery has a tortuous history, closed many times in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, and sometimes closed due to bankruptcy.
John McDougall founded the original winery, although it is likely that he only purchased an existing illegal winery and obtained a license to operate legally.
In the next two centuries, the winery will enter and exit from the McDougall family.
It went bankrupt in 1838 and was acquired by a liquor wholesaler named Thomas Buchanan in Glasgow.
However, he rented it back to mcdougors and they continued to operate.
In the 1850 s, two of Alexander\'s sisters, Margaret and Flora, ran wineries. -
The first women to run the Scotch whisky distillery.
From 1853 to 1922, the winery was owned by the Ramsey family and leased to mcdougors and various other operators.
During this period, Ramsays also owned Lagavulin, Laphroaig and Ardenistiel wineries and their associated farms.
The winery was reacquired by the McDougall family in 1922, but went bankrupt in 1929 and closed between 1932 and 1935.
Ardbeg reopened in 1935 and again managed by the McDougall family until the winery was cleared and the newly established company Ardbeg Winery Ltd purchased assets, in 1959.
During this period, like most distillers, most of the production was sold to mixers.
In 1959, both John Dewar and Sons, owned by DCL at the time, and Hiram Walker, were entitled to the parent company of the winery.
Canadian spirits giant Hiram Walker bought Ardbeg completely in 1979 and has been operating until 1981.
Closed from 1981 to 1989.
During this period, Hiram Walker was acquired by United Lyon and became part of United distillation Co. , Ltd.
From 1989 to 1996, Ardbeg produces whiskey for about two months each year, until its parent company, now Union Domecq, after the merger of Union Lyon and Domecq, again
The next year, the winery was acquired by glenmorey, which already owns the glenmorey winery and the glenmorey winery, beginning the modern period of the aldiger renaissance.
The winery immediately carried out a large-scale renovation, with new equipment including new equipment that is still being ordered.
French fashion group LVMH acquired Glen moanji through its wine and spirits subsidiary, mot Hennessey.
The glenmali winery was subsequently sold.
At present, the production capacity of the winery is 1.
1 million liters of pure alcohol, about 12,000 gallons per week.
This is 500 of it-
The weekly output in 1835 was gallons, or even 5,000 gallons.
It produced a gallon of whisky a week in the early 20 th century.
In ShoreHistorically, south of Islay, Kildalton crossover, the winery operates its own floor Malwarebytes.
Starting at 1974, it buys malt from the port of Ellen malding, a few miles away.
Usually, the amount of malt is 50-
65 out of millions (ppm)
Use phenol from the grass charcoal obtained from the directly Upper Marsh of the winery.
This is the three core products of peating grade for the winery: Ardbeg month Yo, Ardbeg Uigedail and Ardbeg Corryvreckan.
Other expressions like Ardbeg Super Nova are considered to be 100 ppm of phenol, while now discontinued Kildalton expressions are considered to be minor.
Ardbeg whisky production has four special features that determine its signature style: Fermentation level, milling of barley, length of fermentation and distillation itself.
Generally, peated whiskies are classified according to the phenol content of a few parts per million.
The measurement is based on the amount of phenol absorbed by malt during drying.
According to the winery, the average fermentation level of malt is about 55 ppm, while the fermentation level of new whiskey is about 25 ppm.
However, with the arrival of the new era of manufacturing spirit, ppm concentration will decrease.
The initial concentration of 25 ppm will be 15-year-
Scotch whisky and 6 ppm at the age of 30.
Therefore, it is not particularly instructive to list ppm phenol for the practice of malt in most Scottish distillers.
There are other drawbacks to this approach.
First, there are more than 100 different identifiable compounds in peat smoke.
Mud coal from different parts of Scotland and at different depths will show these chemicals of different concentrations.
The temperature of burning peat also affects the chemical composition of the smoke.
For example, Islay peat tends to be rich in wood derivatives compared to peats from eastern Scotland.
In addition, Islay peats is rich in nitrogen and aromatic hydrocarbons.
When they burn, they produce more plastic. like aromas.
Therefore, the general measurement of ppm phenol in malt rarely tells us the type of peat or the chemical composition of the smoke.
Secondly, about half of the mud coal absorbed by malt is in the grain shell.
Therefore, husks\'s winery treatment has a significant impact on the amount of mud coal that eventually enters the wheat juice into barley.
Usually, the grain is ground into a fine grain of 70 to 78% or \"medium grain\", a shell or raw material of 14 to 20%, and the weight of the flour or powder is 8 to 10%.
The more shells contained in the mash, the better the drainage effect, but the lower the alcohol conversion rate.
In addition, since the housing is much lighter than dirt, the process of grinding the grain usually results in a large number of shell fragments being vacuumed by dust suppression filters.
Ardbeg grist is 70% mid gear, 20% crust and 10% flour.
This is high end for the proportion of the shell in the grist.
The fermentation process of Ardbeg is about 60 to 65 hours on average, while the more typical is 45-
Ferment for an hour at Speyside winery.
Due to the inhibition of fermentation by phenol, it takes longer for phenol malt to ferment.
This is why in the 19 th century, phenol, which exists in the form of carbonated acid, was used as a disinfectant.
The advantage of long fermentation is that it can produce more fruity and floral ester.
Islay\'s main whisky distillation process itself also has a significant impact, whether it\'s on the overall level of chemicals in the mud coal smoke that enters the final whisky, or on their individual concentration.
In general, about one-
The third part of the total phenol concentration will be lost during distillation.
The distillation temperature, the amount of washing of the still, and the point of cutting to collect the new make spirit are all factors that determine the phenol content in the newly made whisky.
However, it is of particular importance to the return flow generated during distillation.
Reflux refers to the condensation of steam before reaching the condenser, so it falls back to the pan to be re-distilled.
Reflux affects washing in several ways.
First of all, it extends contact with copper, giving it more time to absorb more stringent and heavier compounds mentally.
Secondly, repeated distillation of alcohol breaks down some aromatic compounds and alcohol with large chemical properties into lighter compounds.
The higher the reflux, the lower the concentration of phenol in the resulting spirit.
Finally, according to the implementation of the reflux, some heavier compounds simply cannot escape from the jar into the new make spirit.
The length of the neck still has a great impact on the return flow.
High neck, like the neck of Glen moanji, 16 feet 10.
The 25 inch is the highest whisky in Scotland, and it produces a large amount of reflux, forming a light whisky style with a clear floral and fruity fragrance.
The ester that produces these aromas has a low molecular weight--
Therefore, it will not be selected proportionally during distillation.
Compared to the short squat neck of Lagavulin, the height of the Still neck of Ardbeg is about 10 feet, and the return produced by the latter is rare.
The angle of the Lyne arm also has bearings.
The lyne arm pointing up as an extension of the neck produces more reflux than the one pointing down.
At Ardbeg, lyne\'s arms point up like they do at Laphroaig and Bowmore (
Only spirit)
The lyne arm of the martial arts of Lac dropped sharply.
The effect of using a condenser or purifier in the neck is similar to that of a high neck, but the advantage is that it allows the distiller to have greater flexibility.
By cooling the steam before the steam enters the lyne arm, the purifier will increase the amount of return to the pan.
There are purifiers for Ardbeg stills.
In addition, there is also a shrinking lamp-glass style on the neck, where they will be added to the pan, which will also produce more reflux.
The net effect of all of this reflux is that the washing of Ardbeg is given a particularly long repeated distillation.
At the winery, this is called two-and-a-half-
Time distillation.
Retaining a large number of shells from a large amount of reflux, extending fermentation, re-fermentation, and extending the distillation cycle creates a unique and iconic Ardbeg style.
A more interesting experiment at Ardbeg Winery is the effect of weightlessness on whisky maturity.
The winery sent a sample of whisky to the International Space Station on October 2011, including several bottles of new spirits with oak fragments.
The experiment is to see how weightlessness affects terpen Ene, an organic molecule that constitutes the aroma and flavor of wine and spirits.
The winery kept a set of identical vials as a control sample.
According to the doctor, Ardbeg wine
Bill Lumsden, director of distillation and whisky creation at Ardbeg, believes that mature samples in space are \"significantly different\" from the control samples retained by the winery \".
Space samples show a greater degree of complexity than earth samples.
Lumsden found this when I tasted the space sample. . .
Ardbeg smells of smoke and black.
Reveals the different smoke flavors I have never encountered on Earth.
Lumsden went on to add, \"The taste is very concentrated, with smoked fruits such as dried plum, raisins, sugar plum and cherry, Clay coal smoke, mint, fennel, cinnamon and smoked bacon or pecanssmoked ham.
The finish is strong and long lasting with a hint of wood, anti-corrosion lozenges and rubber smoke.
\"Of course, the new spirit of maturity in plastic vials with oak boats is not as mature as traditional barrels.
Whisky has spent three years in space, meeting the minimum maturity requirements required by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA).
However, it cannot be called Scotch because it is not unique to Scotland.
If space maturity is found, SWA may need to make an exception to its \"maturity of Scottish rules.
\"It has enough time to decide.
Few whisky barrels will soon enter space to age.
The core Ardbeg expressions are ten, Uigedail and Corryvreckan.
These ten are named after its age.
Uigeadail is named after Uigeadail, a freshwater lake not far from the winery.
The corifriken was named after the famous whirlpool generated by tides in the ocean between Jura and Scarborough.
Although these three expressions are different from each other, they have common basic features.
These whiskeys tend to be very light and crisp at first, with a lot of dry smoke in the background, a little scorched, like smoke in a cold campfire.
While the finished ingredient of Uigedail\'s 10% Sherry barrel adds a more pronounced sweetness, there is a very slight sweetness, with a lot of reflux from typical whiskies.
The expected pronunciation of phenol, sometimes seems to be plastic --
Like, but although different, it is more dry and lighter, almost like the residue of an old medicine bottle.
With the opening of whisky, char will be replaced by more asphalt/tar scents, while there will also be obvious grain aromas.
Strange combination of hot tar and cold oatmeal. The plastic-
The scent is not surprising.
Phenol is still widely used in phenol production.
These plastics have high heat resistance and resistance for all products from electrical insulators to printed circuit boards, plastic veneers to plywood adhesives.
If it\'s phenolplastic-
Since you may be surrounded by products that contain smells, the smell seems a bit familiar.
There is some creamy flavor, heavy mouth, oil, a bit suspicious fragrance, it reminds people of the cold
You will sometimes find smoked mussels or pickled fish in the neighbor Lagavulin of Ardbeg, but their pronunciation is not very obvious.
There is a little iodine, maybe even a little seaweed, at low tide, but it doesn\'t have an obvious taste of the ocean and seaweed/kelp.
Features with spicy flavor associated with heavy peating (think Octomore)
A feeling of almost tingling
Just like the feeling of the back of your mouth after you swallow whiskey, whiskey is gradually replaced by a slight bitter taste;
Similar to Talisker, but more obvious.
Ardbeg is the most extreme manifestation of the current trend in producing smoked whisky.
But in addition, it is light and dry.
While it lacks the obvious ocean features, it is a style shared with its Hebrides neighbors, lafroy and Talisker.
This is a feature found in many Octomore expressions.
Caol Ila has a similar style, though sweeter.
Kilkerran, the latest winery in wooleltown, also has this character, although it is close to the intensity of Ardbeg.
It feels like some cold smoke on the rock, there\'s a unique drug chaser-
So Ardbeg is the malt for you.
Ardbeg Ten, Ardbeg Uigeadail and Ardbeg Corryvreckan sample NotesArdbeg, single malt Scotch whisky, month Yo, 46% Bay, 750 mlThe whiskey is a light gold color.
On the nose, there is a distinct aroma of phenol consisting of peat smoke, with hints of cooked grains and light floral elements.
With the opening of whiskey, the taste of cooked cereal is getting stronger and stronger.
On the palate, the whisky is dry and has an obvious spicy flavor that accumulates steadily on the tongue, creating a unique sting.
It has smoke and Coke flavors, balanced with a slight oil sweetness, followed by the aroma of smoked pickled fish, some spices, especially cinnamon, with the flavor of espresso in the background.
The finish is long and dry with unique smoke and cooked grain properties.
This is a good entrance.
The level of Islay whiskey has the unique aroma and taste of the island brothers.
The appearance is 7/10, the nose is 25/30, the taste is 26/30, and the finish is 27/30.
Final score: 85/100 Ardbeg, Uigeadail, No age statement, 54 points.
2% ABV, 750 mlThe whiskey is medium gold.
There is a unique phenol smell on the nose, but they are not obvious than in 10 YO and more like plastic than disinfectantlike.
There are typical Ardbeg grains and floral notes, followed by dried fruits with raisins and tangerine ingredients.
The whisky was originally dry but gradually sweet.
The sweetness of raisins and dried fruits is different, consisting of cooked grains and digestive biscuits and a touch of caramel.
There is smoke in the background, but less obvious than in 10 YO, more like a cold campfire than a stuffy campfire.
There is an obvious creamy sweetness that is typical of Sherry\'s ass aged whiskey.
Bottling is the strength of the barrel, which is made of a mix of bourbon barrels and Sherry docking mature whiskey.
At the end is the elements of creamy flavor, sweetness and cooked grains, and at the end there is a little bit of iodine.
Appearance 8/10, nose 26/30, palate 27/30, final score 28/30: 89/100 Ardbeg, Corryvreckan, No age statement, 57 points.
1% ABV, 750 mlThis whiskey has medium gold.
On the nose, there are predictable phenol scents, but these are lighter than in 10 Y0 and form a frame with obvious ocean elements.
There are some seawater sprays, some features of iodine and salty/salty.
Common floral and ripe cereal flavors, accompanied by the sweetness of dried fruit and the smell of furniture wax and vanilla.
The background has a clear smell of cold smoke.
On the taste, whiskey is obviously sticky and almost chewy.
It has a unique spicy flavor.
Like Uigeadail, the whisky starts in a dry way, but it creates a sweet taste that is built stably and builds the spicy flavor well.
There is a delicious taste, like the dry residue of the Dirty Martini, then the cooked grain, with the flavor of caramel sweetness and licorice, and a little bit of burnt and smoked fish
This bottling is also the strength of the barrel, showing a clear spirit.
Complete the very log with a unique sweetness, a distinct flavor of cooked grain, and a bitter espresso element that burns slightly.
This is a powerful, sophisticated whisky that combines a variety of flavors and aromas with a strong aroma of smoke, charcoal, sweet and cooked grains.
Appearance 8/10, nose 27/30, palate 28/30, complete 29/30 Final Score: 92/100 the shorter version of this article appears in whisky cleaning in September 2016.
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